Home Activities

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Cloud Dough.

You will need:

Baby oil (about 1 cup)

8 Cups of flour (any type)

Food colouring

What to do:

· Add a few drops of food colouring to the oil

· Gradually add the oil to the flour and mix it in

** Play!**.


What's in the bag?

You need a bag and objects from around the house

You can play "I spy with my little eye"

  • something that begins with the sound....

  • something that rhymes with..

  • something that is the colour...

  • something you use to...

  • something daddy/granny/sister might like....

Take it in turns


Treasure Hunt

Take a large piece of paper and write some numbers then go hunting!


Scissors 1

Take a piece of paper and cut it up into lots of pieces (don't worry about what shape). Arrange the pieces of paper and see what comes- a rocket, a flower or a strange monster thing? You can stick them down if you want to.

You could also share out the pieces of paper between you and your child and then take it in turns to add them and see what comes.


Scissors 2

'Delicious' grass and dandelion soup. Use scissors to cut up grass/herbs/petals and leaves.

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Scissors 3 - Tape Roads and Track

Cut or tear pieces of masking tape to make roads and track

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Spoons Friends

If your children are missing their friends you could make some imaginary friends from spoons.

Use them to make up puppet shows or stories.


Eat a Rainbow

Can you make a fruit salad using all the colours of the rainbow? Chop the fruits and cover in fruit juice. You could also make smoothies. Chop any soft fruit, bananas and berries and whizz with juice or yoghurt.


Making Bread

Quantities for 1 large loaf or 10 children

500g of bread flour

10 (295ml) fl oz of warm water

7g of dried yeast (1pkt)

1 tablespoon oil

Half a teaspoon of salt

Half a teaspoon of sugar


1. Put all the dry ingredients in a bowl

2. Add the oil and water

3. Mix well and knead

4. Leave to rest for 30 mins in a warm place

5. Place in a pre-heated oven (180 degrees). The time depends on the volume of bread


1. Add herbs, seeds or dried fruit

2. Roll out bread sticks/ snakes of different lengths

3. Add grated cheese

Hot cross buns

· Add 100g of mixed fruit and 1 teaspoon of mixed spice to the dry ingredients.

· If no dairy allergies ,substitute the oil for melted butter and half of the water for milk.

· Make rolls of bread but add thin ‘worms’ of dough to make the cross (place right across and tuck them in or they will pop off during cooking). Try not have any fruit showing as it will burn if exposed.

· While the hot cross buns cook, mix 1 tablespoon of golden syrup with 4 tablespoons of water until nearly boiling.

· Brush the syrup on the hot cross buns as soon as they come out of the oven

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Car Play

Many children like playing with cars -here are a few ideas for getting involved and extending play.

· Play with cars on large piece of paper. You can draw roads, deep dark forests, lakes and rivers. You can add road signs and speed limits. Introduce dangers such as a hole in the road or a flood. This naturally leads into the development of a narrative which can be written down and read back to your child. “Once upon a time there was a little blue car. One day he came out of his garage and set off down the road….etc

· Make box garages/ fire stations etc. A wine box make a fantastic multi story car park. Numbers can easily be introduced.

· Introduce changes of height by adding ramps eg from the floor to a shelf.

· Fill a tray with a little dry sand or other dry ingredient. Place it on a floor where any mess is easily swept up. Provide cars or small diggers. The cars make marks in the sand which is a bit like drawing.

· Sort your cars-which is the most popular colour?